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Published Feb. 29, 2024, 11:03 a.m.

The University of Calabria Physics Department and Xanadu partner to strengthen quantum computing education in Italy


The Department of Physics of University of Calabria (Phys-Unical) and Xanadu, a leading quantum computing company, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop quantum computing educational resources and equip students for career in the field by utilizing PennyLane, Xanadu's open-source software framework for quantum machine learning, quantum chemistry, and quantum computing. 

Through this partnership, Phys-Unical and Xanadu will work together to train and educate Italy’s future quantum workforce. The parties will develop courses together that are dedicated to quantum computing and quantum software programming in order to create a talent stream of highly skilled individuals in Calabria and Italy. 

The MoU was signed by Professor Riccardo Cristoforo Barberi, Head of Phys-Unical, and Dr. Christian Weedbrook, CEO of Xanadu.

“Collaborating with Xanadu presents an excellent chance to equip our students with cutting-edge knowledge and tools in the ever-evolving realm of quantum computing. For the past two decades, Phys-Unical has actively engaged in both fundamental and applied research in Quantum Information and Computation. With the global surge in interest for quantum technologies, this is the right time to develop specialized educational programs in this domain. In partnership with Xanadu, we aim to establish tailored courses to provide our students with the latest knowledge and tools, enabling them to confront the technological challenges that lie ahead.” said Professor Francesco Plastina, Associate Professor in Theoretical Physics at the Phys-Unical.

“Phys-Unical places special emphasis on technological transfer to maximize the value of our Department's research outcomes. We aim to impart this knowledge to our students throughout their academic journeys, providing them with a comprehensive understanding of the subjects they study. The collaboration with Xanadu aligns perfectly with this objective and enhances the value of our educational offerings” said Professor Riccardo Cristoforo Barberi, Head of Phys-Unical.

About Xanadu: Xanadu is a Canadian quantum technology company with the mission to build quantum computers that are useful and available to people everywhere. Founded in 2016, Xanadu has become one of the world's leading quantum hardware and software companies. The company also leads the development of PennyLane, an open-source software library for quantum computing and application development. Visit or follow us on X @XanaduAI

About Phys-Unical: The Department of Physics is the structure that promotes, coordinates and organizes the research and teaching activities of the University of Calabria in the field of Physics, related technologies and its applications. The study courses pertaining to the Phys-Unical are the three-year courses in Physics and in Materials Science and Engineering and the Master's Course in Physics. The educational offer of Master consists of a common training area encompassing Computer Science, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. For more information about Phys-Unical, visit or follow it on Instagram @fisicaunical


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